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BOOK> Blackburn, 'The History Wars'
by A. Charles Muller
Reposted from H-Asia------------------------------------------------
This is a novel based on two key elements in the current debate about history and rewriting of history in India. The first is the continuing controversy over the undeciphered Indus script; the second is the demolition of the Babri mosque in 1992. The novel tells the story of Ravi, an Indian journalist who begins to look into government complicity in the destruction of the mosque. In Delhi, he meets Peggy, an American researcher in ancient Indian archaeology, who stumbles across a possible bilingual Indus valley seal (a possible Rosetta stone). Together, they get caught up in deceit and violence of the 'history wars'. The book is an exploration of the human stories behind the political violence and raging debate about India's past. It is meant to entertain academics while also informing the general public.
The book (334 pages) is published on 3 January by Brown Dog Books, which is the imprint SPP (
ISBNs Print; 978-1-78545-385-4 e-book;
Copies can be pre-ordered from
major online sellers starting around 15 December.
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