Table of Contents
- Call for Submissions: International Journal of
Buddhist Thought & Culture Vol.29, No.1(June 2019)
- CFP: Woodenfish Forum 2019: Monasticism and
Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World
- CFP: JDS Inaugural Issue Announcement and CFP for
Third Issue
- New book on the comparative method
- CFP> IABS 2020 Seoul
- CFP> AAR 2019 Chinese Religions Unit

for Submissions: International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture
Vol.29, No.1(June 2019)
by Tara Eunyoung KIM
Dear Colleagues,The International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture (IJBTC) is published to promote Buddhist Studies by encouraging wide-ranging research on Buddhist thought and culture.
IJBTC is a peer-reviewed, academic journal published bi-annually in English language by the Academy of Buddhist Studies at Dongguk University, Korea.
The scholastic quality of IJBTC was accredited by Korean Research Foundation in 2007. The IJBTC are included in the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index in 2017 and the resource of the ATLA Religion Database® in 2018.
IJBTC seeks papers and book-reviews on history, philosophy, literature, and culture that are relevant to Buddhism. IJBTC always welcomes submissions that bring new perspectives and fresh research to the various fields of Buddhist Studies.
The deadline for submitting a contribution to Vol.29 No.1 is April 15th, 2019.
IJBTC Vol.29 No.1 will be published June 30th, 2019.
For more information, including submissions, subscription and inquiries, please contact:
Tel: +82 (02) 6713 5140
Woodenfish Forum 2019: Monasticism and Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World
by Thomas Newhall
Dear Colleagues,On behalf of the Woodenfish Foundation, Chongde Temple and the Charhar Institute, I am pleased to announce the “Woodenfish Forum 2019,” an academic conference and tour that seeks to bring together scholars from all parts of the world to discuss and present new research ideas, perspectives, and approaches on the theme of “Monasticism and Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World.”
Please see the following Call For Papers and the linked PDF document for more information.
Thank You,
Tom Newhall
Program Coordinator, Woodenfish Forum 2019;
PhD Student, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Woodenfish Forum 2019: Monasticism and Monastic Codes
Across the Buddhist World
Call for Papers
Chongde Temple
Dear Colleagues,The Woodenfish Foundation, and co-organizers Chongde Temple and the Charhar Institute are pleased to announce the “Woodenfish Forum 2019,”an academic conference which seeks to bring together scholars from all parts of the world to discuss and present new research ideas, perspectives and approaches to the theme of “Monasticism and Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World.”
Although monks and nuns are in many ways the face of Buddhism, the lives of these people, and how their lives have shaped the Buddhist community over the course of history has often been idealized, mythicized, or otherwise poorly understood. In this conference, we hope to bring together scholarly perspectives on the place of monastic life, the codes that guide monastic life, and the ethical principles that provide the framework for living as a Buddhist across the range of Buddhist societies. We hope the conference can represent not only Chinese and East Asian Buddhism, but as many regions of Buddhism as possible, including South Asian, South East Asian, and Tibetan Buddhism. While we hope the majority of scholars will choose to focus on the conference topic, we will also consider proposals for topics related to Buddhism in a broader sense, or in related fields such as Chinese Studies, Religious studies, and Philosophy.
This conference is scheduled to take place from the 22-24th of June 2019, at Chongde Temple 崇德寺 in Shangyi 尚义, near Zhangjiakou City 张家口, northwest of Beijing. The conference will be followed by a tour to sites in Inner Mongolia. Participants should plan to arrive in Beijing by the 21st, to attend an Opening Ceremony on the 22nd, and following the conference and tour, will be brought back to Beijing by the 28th. The conference organizers will provide transportation, accommodations, and meals from the evening of the 21st to the evening of the 27th, including transportation to and from Beijing to the conference venue in Shangyi.
We are searching for 25-30 participants. Successful participants will receive an honorarium of US$500, and a travel stipend sufficient to cover travel to and from their home airport to Beijing.
While the conference will take place principally in English, we will also consider proposals for papers given in Chinese or Japanese as well.
Applicants should send a cover letter, abstract, and CV to by March 15. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection by e-mail by the beginning of April.
Participants may be asked to provide their papers or handouts before the conference for printing and circulation among conference participants, however, there are no plans to publish the papers at this time.
Please download the poster here, and feel free to circulate it among students and colleagues.
Thank you,
Tom Newhall, Program Coordinator; PhD Student, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Venerable Yifa, Founder and President of the Woodenfish Foundation
JDS Inaugural Issue Announcement and CFP for Third Issue
by Thomas Calobrisi
Dear H-Buddhism List Members,
As an assistant editor for the Journal of
Dharma Studies: Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, and Culture, it is my
pleasure to announce the publication of our inaugural
issue (Volume 1, Issue 1), which can be found at the following URL:
This issue and the following one—Volume 1, Issue 2, Special Edition on “The
Ineffable” with Guest Editor Sai Bhatawadekar (University of Hawai’i)
forthcoming April, 2019—are available for free, no subscription required.
Journal of Dharma Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published
through Springer Publications, under the editorship of Dr. Rita D. Sherma
(Graduate Theological Union) and Dr. Purushottama Bilimoria (Graduate
Theological Union, University of California, Berkeley, and The University of
Melbourne). The mission of the Journal of Dharma Studies is to employ
theoretical and empirical methods for understanding and applying the
conceptual, textual, and experiential resources the Dharma traditions, i.e.,
the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions, in order to foster critical-constructive
reflections. The journal seeks to cultivate scholarship that simultaneously
uncovers the interconnected histories of these traditions and highlights the
rich diversity of philosophy and practice found within them. More information
on the aims of the journal can be found in the editorial foreword by Dr.
Under its former iteration as the International
Journal of Dharma Studies, the journal was dedicated to publishing
significant research in the field of Buddhist studies. Of particular note, the
journal hosted a special issue on Buddhist Women
Masters (
guest edited by Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo (University of San Diego) and a special
issue titled “Experimental Dharmas in Asia and the
Diaspora,” (
which included contributions from scholars in the field of Buddhist studies. In
its present iteration, the journal seeks to continue publishing rigorous,
interdisciplinary scholarship in the that engages Asian, Western, and global
expressions of Buddhist thought, ethics, traditions, community, and practice.
We invite the list members of H-Buddhism, scholars and students at all stages
of graduate education alike, to submit their research for publication in the
Highlights for Buddhist studies in the inaugural
edition include:
Imagining Enlightenment: Icons and
Ideology in Vajrayāna Buddhist Practice
K.L. Tsomo
The Quantum Leap from Karma to Dharma:
Moral Narrative in the Writings of Jon Kabat-Zinn
T. Calobrisi
Women, Marriage, and Merit-Making in Early
U. Das
Embryo Experimentation in Buddhist Ethics
P. Mitra
Meditation, Buddhism, and Science by David L. McMahan and Erik Braun
T. Calobrisi
We are currently accepting submissions of original
essays and book reviews for the upcoming issue (Volume 1, Issue 3). We welcome
submissions of original essays that engage with emerging areas of study such as
cultural studies, ethnic studies, and studies of the arts and established
disciplines such as religious studies, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology
to conduct rigorous, interdisciplinary research on the Hindu, Buddhist, and
Jain traditions. Topics of interest for the journal include but are not limited
contemporary environmental issues such as sustainability and ecological
economics, issues at the intersection of philosophy and theology with the
practice of medical and biological sciences, cross-cultural dialogues both
interfaith and intrafaith in nature, philosophical issues such as the nature of
consciousness and aesthetic theory, and political issues such as conflict
resolution and conceptions of human rights and equality across cultures.
The deadline for submissions for inaugural edition
of the Journal of Dharma Studies is May 15th, 2019. Authors
may submit papers through the journal’s editorial
manager system (
If you have any questions,
please contact the editorial manager, Laura Dunn, at We look forward to receiving your
Subscriptions to the journal can be purchased here.
Thanks and Regards,
Thomas Calobrisi
Assistant Editor
Journal of Dharma Studies
Doctoral Student
Graduate Theological Union
Buddhist Studies
book on the comparative method
by Oliver Freiberger
self-promotion: A book that might be of interest for comparativists amongst
you. Apologies for cross-posting.
New York:
Oxford University Press, 2019
critical debates and examining reflections in other disciplines, this book
proposes a model of comparison for the study of religion that is based on a
thorough epistemological analysis and that takes both the scholar's
situatedness and agency seriously. Examining numerous examples of comparative
studies, Considering Comparison develops a methodological framework for
conducting and evaluating such studies. Freiberger suggests a comparative
approach - which he calls discourse comparison - that confronts the
omnipresent risks of decontextualization, essentialization, and
Oliver Freiberger
Professor of Asian Studies and Religious Studies
University of Texas at Austin
of Asian Studies
Inner Campus Dr Stop G9300
Austin, Texas 78712-1251
Austin, Texas 78712-1251
IABS 2020 Seoul
by A. Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues of H-Buddhism:
This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for Panel proposals for the
IABS Conference is approaching: Panel proposals are due by Feb. 28, 2019. If
you are planning on submitting a proposal, please refer to the posted at our
Website for
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at And we want to thank in
advance all those whose ideas are helping us construct a rich and varied
program for the XIXth Conference.
Best wishes,
Eun-su Cho, Chair
Planning Committee of the 19th IABS Conference
AAR 2019 Chinese Religions Unit
by A. Charles Muller
Dear friends of the Chinese Religions Unit:
With the deadline for AAR panel and paper submissions coming up on March 4 at 5:00 pm EST, we wanted to remind you of the topics proposed for our Call for Papers:
· Animals in Chinese Religions
· Comparative Technical Aspects of Devotional Rites
· Sinicization of Religion in Contemporary China
· Religion and Property
· Buddhism and Disability (with the Buddhism Unit and/or the Religion and Disability Studies Unit)
· Textual and Visual Images of Female Deities in Chinese Devotional Practices (with the Art, Literature, and Religion Unit)
· Later Tiantai Buddhism in China (with the Buddhism Unit)
· Chinese Muslims, State Persecution, and Uighur Communities (with the Study of Islam Unit)
You are also welcome to submit panels on topics that do not appear in our Call for Papers, and to submit individual papers for consideration. We encourage panel organizers to make every effort to put together diverse groups of scholars.
Please keep in mind that AAR submissions require 1000-word proposals and 150-word abstracts for each paper, as well as for the panel as a whole. In addition, the AAR gives us the option of having more 90-minute sessions or fewer 2.5-hour sessions, so in the interest of accepting as many good panels as possible, we especially welcome panels that have been designed for a 90-minute slot.
Please email me and/or Anna Sun if you want to be put in touch with the contact person for one of the topics in our Call for Papers, if you want feedback on a paper or panel proposal, or if you have questions about anything else related to the Chinese Religions Unit. We hope to see you in San Diego in November!
Best regards,
Megan Bryson and Anna Sun