Table of Contents

AAR 2019 Panel > Other Wests, Other Modernities: Theorizing Modern Buddhism
beyond North America
by Kim Lam
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As part of the 2019 AAR Buddhism
in the West Unit CFP, we are interested in proposing a panel that engages with
the work of scholars who have recently undertaken research on Buddhism in
Western contexts beyond North America. Ideally the panel will engage critically
with theories of Buddhist modernism, post-modern Buddhism, global Buddhism,
ultra-modern Buddhism, post-secularism, post-colonialism, translocative theory,
transplantation and/or other emerging theorisations of Buddhism in the West. We
would like to use this forum as an opportunity to facilitate cross-national
comparisons, and to investigate the applicability and limitations of various
theories or approaches across different social, cultural and political
Please email 150 word abstracts
and any questions to Kim Lam ( and Anna Halafoff (