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CFP> Panel "Tibetan Buddhism in Translation," 15th IATS Seminar, Paris, France, July 7 to 13 2019
by James Gentry
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite interested
scholars to submit paper proposals for our cross-disciplinary panel,
"Tibetan Buddhism in Translation," to be held at the 15th IATS
Seminar, Paris, 7-13 July 2019.
We look forward to receiving your
With all best wishes,
James Gentry
Assistant Professor
Centre for Buddhist Studies at
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Kathmandu University
Ana Cristina Lopes
University of Virginia
Panel: Tibetan
Buddhism in Translation
15th IATS Seminar Paris, France, June 7-13 2019
Translation has arguably been the
single most defining dynamic in the formation of Tibetan Buddhist traditions
and in their interactions with immediate neighbors and more distant global
interlocutors. From Tibetan imperial times to the contemporary Tibetan
diaspora, Buddhist ideas and practices have been the focal point of
translational activity on many different levels. Tibetans have often understood
translational activity as foundational in the formation of the Tibetan literary
language and Tibetan cultural identity; enduring engagement with translation
has led Tibetan scholars to periodize Tibetan history according to
translational activity (snga ’gyur/phyi ’gyur); the translation
of texts and cultural concepts was pivotal in the formation of the field of
Tibetan Studies; and translational activity has been a key concern in the
missionary activities of Tibetan Lamas and non-Tibetan converts.
Recently theorists such as Bruno
Latour and others have recast the notion of “translation” to signal
transitional pivots and points of inflection active in the formation of networks
that constitute contemporary societies. Inspired by this expansion of the
notion of translation beyond mere linguistic transfer, this panel proposes that
translation—not only of texts, but also of ideas, objects, practices,
traditions—is a productive rubric through which to analyze the dynamics and
rhetoric involved in processes of cultural re-signification that Tibetan
Buddhist and associated traditions have undergone in manifold
We invite paper proposals drawing
variously from anthropological, historical, philological, philosophical, and/or
translation studies perspectives from scholars concerned with exploring
multidisciplinary approaches to how translation has diversely figured in
interactions with Tibetan Buddhist traditions across linguistic, social, and
cultural boundaries, both historically and in the contemporary period.
All submissions will be considered,
but papers exploring the following areas of inquiry are particularly
welcome: 1) multi-lingual source or target cultures, texts, or practices; 2)
complex receptions of literary translations; 3) social and cultural impact of
literary translation activities; 4) philosophical and other conceptual
incompatibilities and compatibilities between source and target cultures; 5)
cultural translations of ritual performances and sacred objects, artwork, and
architecture; 6) issues in the transplantation of practices to a global
context; 7) roles of contemporary mindfulness movements and science in the
cultural translation of Buddhist traditions.
The deadline for submissions is May
26th. Please send paper proposals to James Gentry ( and Ana Cristina
Lopes (