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Table of Contents

Journal of Korean Religions Volume 11, Number 1, April 2020: Special Issue:
Yogācāra Studies of Silla
by A. Charles Muller
Journal of Korean Religions Volume 11, Number 1,
April 2020: Special Issue: Yogācāra Studies of Silla
A. Charles Muller, Guest Editor [Note: The
presently listed Guest Editor's name of "Charles A. Muller" on the
online version of the Journal is incorrect.]
Table of Contents
Special Issue
A. Charles Muller: "Introduction: Yogācāra
Studies of Silla" pp. 5–21; (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0009)
Shigeki Moro: "Sthiramati, Paramārtha, and
Wŏnhyo: On the Sources of Wŏnhyo’s Chungbyŏn punbyŏllon so" pp.
23–43 (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0000)
Sumi Lee: "Is Dharmapāla Criticizing
Bhāviveka in the Cheng weishi lun? Silla Yogācāra Master Taehyŏn’s Views
on the Dispute between Emptiness and Existence" pp. 45–70 (DOI:
Jiyun Kim: "The Understanding of the
Discriminating Consciousness and the True Consciousness in the Silla
Commentaries on the Dasheng qixin lun:: The Kisillon so, Taesŭng
kisillon naeŭi yakt’amgi, and Shi moheyan lun" pp. 71–95 (DOI:
Ronald S. Green: "Early Japanese Hossō in
Relation to Silla Yogācāra in Disputes between Nara’s Northern and Southern
Temple Traditions" pp. 97–121 (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0003)
Other Articles
Seungyop Shin: "Text Beyond Context: Power,
Discourse, and the Chŏng Kam nok in Colonial Korea" pp. 123–153 (DOI:
Jeongeun Park: "A Monk’s Double Identity and
the Issue of Clerical Marriage: An Examination of Kim Chŏnghae’s Household
Registers in Colonial Korea" pp. 155–187 (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0005)
Juhn Y. Ahn: "Review of The Korean
Buddhist Empire: A Transnational History (1910–1945) by Hwansoo Ilmee
Kim" pp. 189–193 (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0006)
Victoria Ten (Jeon Yeonhwa): "Review of From
the Mountains to the Cities: A History of Buddhist Propagation in Modern Korea
by Mark A. Nathan" pp. 193–196 (DOI: 10.1353/jkr.2020.0008)