martes, 23 de junio de 2020


To Change the World, First Change Yourself

A Love as Deep as Life Itself (Rebooted) is a course on dealing with the personal challenges of trying to make the world a kinder, more compassionate, and more just place.
How do we maintain a sense of emotional balance as we work to change our world? How do we maintain our commitment to cultivating kindness, compassion, and appreciation in the midst of hatred and polarization? How do we avoid feeling superior to others who hold views we strongly disagree with or even find distasteful? How do we deal with frustrations? How do we avoid cynicism in the face of a world that's resistant to change? How do we avoid burn-out? How do we avoid burdening people with our expectations? How do we detect and overcome the biases that lead to us having more empathy for some people and groups than for others?
We'll examine all of those questions above in this online course consists, which consists of 28 emails, delivered at your pace. It also will include approximately 10 guided meditations and exercises to help you approach the material in a practical, experiential way.
It's especially suitable for those who have at least a little practical experience of lovingkindness meditation. But anyone who has at least a few months meditation experience should find it beneficial.
This course is only available for sponsors of Wildmind's Meditation Initiative, which is available for as little as $6 a month.
With love,
Rectángulo redondeado: Click Here to Learn About the Initiative

"This book is both beautiful and practical. Mindful self-compassion is my main practice, and This Difficult Thing of Being Human is filled with exercises to cultivate warmth and kindness for ourselves. The author's empathy and care shine through his words. I'm grateful to have found it." –Amazon reviewer.

Over and over again I've heard from meditation students who have found the techniques of mindful self-compassion I teach vital in freeing themselves from the suffering that comes from habits of self-criticism and self-hatred.
These teachings are now available as "This Difficult Thing of Being Human: The Art of Self-Compassion."
I'm especially pleased to have endorsements from amazing teachers like Rick Hanson, Tara Brach, and Sharon Salzberg.
I hope you enjoy from and benefit from the book.
Rectángulo redondeado: Lean More About "This Difficult Thing of Being Human"