Table of Contents
- TOC > New Publications from IRIAB (Soka
- CFP> Two-day conference on pre-modern Japanese
religions at McGill University

> New Publications from IRIAB (Soka University)
by Noriyuki Kudo
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the followings publications:
Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the academic year 2018 (= ARIRIAB), Volume XXII (2019),
The Mahāvastu. A New Edition. Volume III. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica (= BPPB), XIV,1,
and the sixth volume of Gilgit Manuscripts in the National Archives of India: Facsimile Edition (= GMNAI), vol. II.2: Prajñāpāramitā Texts (2).
[PDF files will become available later.]
ARIRIAB XXII (2019): Table of Contents
● Articles:
Bhikkhu ANĀLAYO: Pārājika Does Not Necessarily Entail Expulsion…………3
DHAMMADINNĀ: Soreyya/ā’s double sex change: on gender relevance and Buddhist values [4 figures]…………9
Petra KIEFFER-PÜLZ: “[If some]one says in this connection” The usage of etthāha in Pāli commentarial literature…………35
Katarzyna MARCINIAK: Editio princeps versus an old palm-leaf manuscript Sa: Verses in the Mahāvastu revisited (II)…………59
Seishi KARASHIMA and Katarzyna MARCINIAK: Sabhika-vastu…………71
Seishi KARASHIMA and Katarzyna MARCINIAK: The story of Hastinī in the Mahāvastu and Fobenxingji jing…………103
Peter SKILLING and SAERJI: Jātakas in the Bhadrakalpika-sūtra: A provisional inventory I…………125
James B. APPLE: The Semantic Elucidation (nirukta) of Bodhisattva Spiritual Attainment: A Rhetorical Technique in Early Mahāyāna Sūtras…………171
LIU Zhen: An Improved Critical Edition of Maitreyavyākaraṇa in Gilgit Manuscript…………193
LU Lu: An Analogy of Pots in Dao di jing 道地經 and its Sanskrit Parallel…………209
Péter-Dániel SZÁNTÓ: A Fragment of the Prasannapadā in the Bodleian Library [2 figures]…………213
LI Xuezhu: Diplomatic Transcription of the Sanskrit Manuscript of the Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā…………217
Jonathan A. SILK: Chinese Sūtras in Tibetan Translation: A Preliminary Survey…………227
Mauro MAGGI: Bits and bites: the Berlin fragment bi 43 and Khotanese *druṣ- [2 figures]…………247
Yutaka YOSHIDA: On the Sogdian articles…………261
Tatsushi TAMAI: The Tocharian Maitreyasamitināṭaka…………287
Peter ZIEME: A fragment of an Old Uighur translation of the Śatapañcāśatka [2 figures]…………333
Isao KURITA: The Great Passing of the Buddha and Māra [7 figures]…………345
M. Nasim KHAN: Studying Buddhist Sculptures in Context (I): The Case of a Buddha Figure from But Kara III, Gandhāra [20 figures]…………347
Tadashi TANABE: Gandhāran Śibi-Jātaka Imagery and Falconry —Gandhāra, Kizil and Dunhuang–– [20 figures]…………359
Haiyan Hu-von HINÜBER: From the Upper Indus to the East Coast of China: On the Origin of the Pictorial Representation of the Lotus Sūtra [8 figures]…………377
DHAMMADINNĀ: Soreyya/ā’s double sex change…………PLATES 1–2
P. SZÁNTÓ: A Fragment of the Prasannapadā in the Bodleian Library…………PLATE 3
M. MAGGI: Bits and bites: the Berlin fragment bi 43 and Khotanese *druṣ- …………PLATES 4–5
P. ZIEME: A fragment of an Old Uighur translation of the Śatapañcāśatka…………PLATE 6
I. KURITA: The Great Passing of the Buddha and Māra…………PLATES 7–9
M. Nasim KHAN: Studying Buddhist Sculptures in Context (I)…………PLATES 10–16
T. TANABE: Gandhāran Śibi-Jātaka Imagery and Falconry…………PLATES 17–22
Haiyan Hu-von HINÜBER: From the Upper Indus to the East Coast of China …………PLATES 23–24
A PDF file will soon be made available at the following link:
The Mahāvastu. A New Edition. Volume III.
Ed. by Katarzyna Marciniak.
xxxv + 600 pages, ISBN 978-4-904234-18-1.
A PDF file will soon be made available at the following link:
Gilgit Manuscripts in the National Archives of India, Facsimile Edition, vol. II.2.
Prajñāpāramitā Texts (2).
Ed. by Seishi KARASHIMA and Tatsushi TAMAI.
xi pages + 67 plates, ISBN 978-4-904234-17-4.
[PDF file is not available.]
For details, please visit our Website, 'Publication' page:
Previous issues of ARIRIAB, BPPB, BLSF and StPSF can be found here:
About ARIRIAB:,%20Editors,%20Manuscript%20Sub...
About Annual Report Publication Ethics:
For further information, please contact:
Noriyuki KUDO
Professor, Editors-in-chief
The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology
Soka University
Two-day conference on pre-modern Japanese religions at McGill University
by Mikael Bauer
Dear colleagues,dear friends,
Over the past two years, the School of Religious Studies at McGill University hosted two successful conferences on premodern Japanese culture and religions. In 2017, scholars from Japanese, American and Canadian universities participated in our first conference entitled ‘The Pure Land in the Nara Schools.’ This first event was sponsored by Numata Canada with a generous grant. The following year, a larger conference was organized (also sponsored by Numata), and scholars from Cornell, Dartmouth, UCLA, Illinois, Albany, Newcastle, and McGill gave presentations on ‘Buddhism and Performance in Premodern Japan.’ We now now plan to organize the first PMJS (Premodern Japanese Studies Network) International Conference at McGill with the financial support from BDK Canada, McGill’s School of Religious Studies (CREOR) and the Japan Foundation. The focus of this two-day conference will be on pre-modern Japan’s religious traditions.
The conference will take place on October 10-11 2019 and feature presentations from fourteen established scholars.
In addition to these fourteen presentations, we would like to invite proposals from graduate students. Three submissions will be selected and partial funding will be available to cover travel/ hotel expenses. Please note that the proposed topic should relate to one or several of premodern Japan’s religious traditions.
Please send your title and short abstract (250 words) before May 1 to:
Once the list is finalized I will send around the detailed conference schedule, I hope this can be finalized in May. All lectures will be public and no registration fee will be required to attend the conference’s 17 lectures.
Kind regards,
Mikael Bauer
McGill University