viernes, 31 de julio de 2020


H-Buddhism daily digest: 1 new items have been posted H-Net Notifications New items have been posted in H-Buddhism. Table of Contents CONERENCE> 2nd WORLD ENCOUNTER TERESIAN MYSTICISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: Chan/Zen Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality: ON LOVE AND COMPASSION (Ávila ~ Spain, 21-25th, July 2021). H-NetPlease help us keep H-Net free and accessible. $25 from each of our subscribers would fund H-Net for two years. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation online. CONERENCE> 2nd WORLD ENCOUNTER TERESIAN MYSTICISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: Chan/Zen Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality: ON LOVE AND COMPASSION (Ávila ~ Spain, 21-25th, July 2021). by Daniel Millet-Gil Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship. Type: Conference Date: July 21, 2021 to July 25, 2021 Location: Spain Subject Fields: Religious Studies and Theology In times of divisions amongst cultures, interreligious dialogue has become an urgent need. In light of this, the International Centre of Teresian and Sanjuanist Studies (CITeS) in Ávila, Spain, announced in 2016 its intention to conduct a series of interreligious encounters, placing Carmelite spirituality in dialogue with other religious traditions. The first of these events, “1st. World Encounter Teresian Mysticism and Interreligious Dialogue Theravāda Buddhism and Teresian Mysticism: Meditation and Contemplation Pathways to Peace”, took place in Ávila from the 27th to the 30th of July 2017 and was organized by CITeS in collaboration with the Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) of The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Following the success of this event, CITeS decided on a second congress, the “2nd World Encounter Teresian Mysticism and Interreligious Dialogue. Chan/Zen Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality: on Love and Compassion”, which will take place in Ávila, from 21st to 25th of July 2021, and will also be jointly organized by CITeS and CBS. Contact Email: URL: Read more or reply Back to top H-NetPlease help us keep H-Net free and accessible. $25 from each of our subscribers would fund H-Net for two years. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation online. Contact the Help Desk: Manage notification settings by visiting My Profile > Notifications on the Commons. H-Net on Twitter H-Net on Facebook

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020


Fundació Casa del Tibet Conexión en directo con Thubten Wangchen En català a continuació En el día de Gurú Rimpoché, Thubten Wangchen le dedicará oraciones y recitará su mantra esta tarde a las 17h. Puedes seguir la conexión a través de: Instagram: thubtenwangchen (en móviles y tablets) Facebook: Fundación Casa del Tíbet, Tíbet House, Barcelona Gurú Rimpoché En tibetano, a Gurú Rimpoché se le llama Padmasambhava y significa "maestro precioso". Fue el fundador de la escuela Nyngma del budismo tibetano en el siglo VIII y también quien introdujo el budismo en Tíbet, fundando allí el primer monasterio, en Samye, a unos 120 kilómetros al sudeste de la capital, Lhasa. A Gurú Rimpoché se le considera un ser completamente despierto, un Buda. A través de su forma, la sabiduría primordial se manifiesta en el mundo para beneficiar a todos los seres. Podéis seguir las Oraciones a Gurú Rimpoché en este enlace (transcripción fonética del tibetano) Thubten Wangchen finalizará la sesión con la recitación del mantra: OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Os enviamos nuestros mejores deseos. Equipo Fundación Casa de Tíbet ​Conexió en directe amb Thubten Wangchen En el dia de Guru Rimpotxé, Thubten Wangchen li dedicarà oracions i recitarà el seu mantra aquesta tarda a les 17h. Pots seguir la connexió a través de: Instagram: thubtenwangchen (en mòbils i tablets) Facebook: Fundación Casa del Tíbet, Tíbet House, Barcelona Guru Rimpotxé En tibetà, al Guru Rimpotxé se l'anomena Padmasambhava i significa "mestre preciós". Va ser el fundador de l'escola Nyngma del budisme tibetà al segle VIII i també qui va introduir el budisme al Tibet, fundant el primer monestir a Samye, a uns 120 quilòmetres al sud-est de la capital, Lhasa. A Guru Rimpotxé se'l considera un ésser completament despert, un Buda. A través de la seva forma, la saviesa primordial es manifesta en el món per a beneficiar a tots els éssers. Podeu seguir les Oracions a Guru Rimpotxé en aquest enllaç (transcripció fonètica del tibetà). Thubten Wangchen finalitzarà la sessió amb la recitació del mantra: OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG Us enviem els nostres millors desitjos. Equip Fundació Casa de Tíbet Vostè rep aquest correu perquè s'ha registrat a Fundació Casa del Tibet de Barcelona Respectem la seva privacitat. Donar de baixa Usted recibe este correo porque se ha registrado en la Fundació Casa del Tibet de Barcelona Respetamos su privacidad. Darse de baja Fundació Casa del Tibet c/ Rosselló 181 08036 BARCELONA +34 93 207 59 66 Facebook Twitter Google+ YouTube © 2020 Fundació Casa del Tibet de Barcelona Si desea darse de baja de nuestro boletín de noticias, haga clic aquí

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Terrae Antiqvae Red Social de Arqueólogos e Historiadores ________________________________________ Arqueólogos españoles hallan en Jordania figurillas antropomorfas nunca vistas hasta ahora dentro de tumbas del periodo Neolítico Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:30 PM PDT Figuraciones humanas esquemáticas elaboradas en sílex. En los inicios del Neolítico las representaciones humanas adquieren un relevancia anteriormente desconocida. Durante el Neolítico Temprano en Oriente Próximo se produjo una llamativa revolución artística. Desde mediados del IX… El origen de la metalurgia fue el uso del metal para hacer adornos y no para crear armas Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:04 AM PDT Imagen de la necrópolis de Varna, Bulgaria La metalurgia surgió en la Prehistoria, hace unos 8.000 años, porque el ser humano empezó a extraer metales de las rocas para fabricar adornos (como anillos o collares), y no para…

sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

Phone Conversation between Foreign Ministers of ROK and Qatar on July 8

ROK-U.S. High-level Consultations to Take Place during Visit to ROK by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Special Representative for North Korea

ROK-New Zealand Deputy Foreign Ministerial Video Conference Takes Place

ROK and Swedish Deputy Foreign Ministers Hold Video Conference

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Dear Colleague:

We are currently accepting papers 

for publication
 in the Journal of Global 
Issues &
 Solutions. If you would like
 to submit a 
paper for review, you are invited 
to forward
 your manuscript.

Some suggested topics:

Economics; Sociology; Psychology; 

Anthropology; History; Archeology; 
 Forensics; Criminology; Security; The Sciences,
 Technology & Innovation; Robotics; 
Artificial Intelligence; Medicine; Psychiatry; et al;


Technocapitalism; Socioeconomics; Widening 

Wealth Gap; 
Nationalism vs. Globalism; Neoliberalism, 
 Transformational Marxism; Relativism; 
Critical Theory; et al;

Special Interest Topics: Stem Cell 

Therapy Breakthroughs; 
Evolutionary Psychology; Cultural Anthropology; 
Pre-Colombian History; Ancient (Sub-Saharan) 
African History; et al;

 Publication of Academic/
Research Papers:

The Journal fulfills a vital need for the communication 

of ideas, 
 concepts, and innovative thinking beyond the 
constraints of 
politics and/or governmental bureaucracy. 
The Journal provides
 a means for the free flow of creative 
positive solutions, developed
 by some of the world’s finest critical thinkers,
 unlimited and 
unshackled, and presented bi-monthly to all
 members of the
 BWW Society and the Institute for Positive 
Global Solutions.

The Journal features innovative articles, 

challenging and 
revealing special reports, proposals, 
solutions and 
initiatives offering fresh, new ideas, 
as well as editorials, 
insightful and highly informed commentaries, 
viewpoints from varied perspectives, 
plus the often
 controversial but always 
opinions from an expansive 
range of academics, 
business leaders, theologians, 
artists, musicians and 
other professionals from an array 
of nations and 
cultures spanning the globe.

Please note that in the cause of 

Free Speech and 
Academic Freedom, we provide 
investigators cost-free and 
unencumbered access to reprints 
and on-line access to their papers; 
 authors retain their copyright privileges
unencumbered of any restrictions.

Once again, I invite you to submit a paper

 for publication
 in the Journal of Global Issues & 
Our readers would be most interested in 
learning your 
views, perspectives and insights. Challenge. 
Innovate. Create.

Yours faithfully,

John Pellam
Publisher & Editorial Director
The Bibliotheque: World Wide (BWW) Society
The Institute for Positive Global Solutions
Telephone: (949) 743-1149, Fax: (949) 743-0174

Please Note: Kindly forward 
your manuscript, 
drafted in MS Word and sent 
as an email attachment, 

About the Journal:

The Journal features innovative articles, challenging

 and revealing 
 special reports, proposals, solutions and initiatives 
offering fresh,
 new ideas, as well as editorials, insightful and 
highly informed 
 commentaries, viewpoints from varied perspectives, 
plus the often controversial but always
 opinions of the Society's members.

The Journal of Global Issues & Solutions

the official 
 publication of the BWW Society and the Institute for 
Positive Global Solutions, reviews various aspects 
relating to
 Globalization (economic, political, cultural, 
technological, scientific, et al), as well the arts, 
literature, science, medicine, education 
 and other issues. 
The Journal’s contributors include professors, 
and other scholars and academics who are
 members of the
 BWW Society.
About the BWW Society and the Institute for 
Positive Global Solutions:

The Institute and the Society fulfill a vital need for
 communication of ideas, concepts, and innovative
 beyond the constraints of politics and/or
 governmental bureaucracy. The Institute and
 the Society provide a means for the free flow 
 positive solutions, developed by some of the
 world’s finest 
critical thinkers, unlimited and unshackled, 
and presented 
bi-monthly to all members in the 
Journal of Global Issues & Solutions.

The Bibliotheque: World Wide Society 

and the Institute
 for Positive Global Solutions are comprised
 of an
 international membership of technologists, 
economists, psychologists, scientists,
and medical researchers, professors, 
artists, musicians,
 religious leaders, civic leaders, 
business leaders and others of
 substantial influence
 in the arts, sciences and international 
 who have come together to pose questions,
 offer solutions, recognize needs and fulfill 
responsibilities within an interdisciplinary, 
 multi-cultural international forum.