viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

New issue of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

The latest issue of the Journal of the International Association of
Buddhist Studies (ISSN 0193-600X ) appeared recently:

JIABS 34/1-2 (2011 [2012]) includes eight articles by - in alphabetical
order - Yangdon Dhondup, David Higgins, Pascale Hugon, Qian Lin,
Klaus-Dieter Mathes, Michael Radich, Markus Viehbeck and Tsering
Wangchuk, as well as a themed section on 'Terms of art' in Indian
Esoteric Buddhism with two lengthy papers by David B. Gray and Christian
K. Wedemeyer.

The table of contents is given below, as well as on the JIABS website

The JIABS website offers access to tables of contents of all issues of
the journal; full article PDFS are made available for free download five
years after their appearance in print.

Kindly address subscription requests and other communication pertaining
to subscriptions to the IABS treasurer (


Yangdon Dhondup: Rig 'dzin Dpal ldan bkra shis (1688-1743) and the
emergence of a Tantric community in Reb kong, A mdo (Qinghai), pp. 3-30

David Higgins: A reply to questions concerning mind and primordial
knowing, pp. 31-96

Pascale Hugon: Argumentation theory in the early Tibetan epistemological
tradition, pp. 97-148

Qian Lin: The antarābhava dispute among Abhidharma traditions and the
list of anāgāmins, pp. 149-186

Klaus-Dieter Mathes: The gzhan stong model of reality - Some more
material on its origin, transmission, and interpretation, pp. 187-223

Michael Radich: Immortal Buddhas and their indestructible embodiments,
pp. 227-290

Markus Viehbeck: Fighting for the truth - satyadvaya and the debates
provoked by Mi pham's Nor bu ke ta ka, pp. 291-320

Tsering Wangchuk: Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan on Mahāyāna doxography
- Rethinking the distinction between Cittamātra and Madhyamaka in
fourteenth-century Tibet, pp. 321-348

'Terms of art' in Indian Esoteric Buddhism

Christian K. Wedemeyer: Locating Tantric antinomianism - An essay toward
an intellectual history of the 'practices/practice observance'
(caryā/caryāvrata), pp. 349-419

David B. Gray: Imprints of the "Great Seal" - On the expanding semantic
range of the term of mudrā in eighth through eleventh century Indian
Buddhist literature, pp. 421-481

Prof. Dr. Birgit Kellner
Chair in Buddhist Studies
Principal Investigator
Deputy Speaker Research Area D "Historicities and Heritage"
Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context - - the
Dynamics of Transculturality"
University of Heidelberg
Karl Jaspers Centre
Vossstraße 2, Building 4400
D-69115 Heidelberg
P: +49(0)6221 - 54 4301
F: +49(0)6221 - 54 4012