viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

We're in urgent need of your support
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We're asking for your help

Unless you've recently joined us you'll be aware that Wildmind is in the process of becoming a Community-Supported Meditation Initiative. If you're receiving this email you're probably not currently a sponsor.*
Being "Community-Supported" means that people are sponsoring Community Shares for as little as $6 a month, and in return they get access to an ongoing program of online meditation courses as well as other benefits.
We're over 80 percent of the way to covering our running costs through these sponsorships. This is great progress, but it's put us in a bind because until we hit 100 percent we have less coming in than it takes to run Wildmind. So right now we're struggling to pay our bills.
So that's why we're asking for your help. It would be great if you were to become a sponsor by joining our Initiative.
Or you can make a one-time donation, which would be enormously helpful.
The links for these two options are right below!
Many thanks!

Rectángulo redondeado: Learn More About Becoming a Sponsor
Rectángulo redondeado: Make a One-Time Donation

*(If you are a sponsor, please email us and we'll make sure you get taken off this list.)

3205 Mead Hill Road
Newmarket NH 03857