viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

H-Net Notifications

Table of Contents
  1. CFP> Chinese Buddhist Philosophy at the AAR
  2. CONFERENCE> From the Caoxi Creek to Mogao Cave 從曹溪到敦煌: Interdisciplinary Studies of Chan Buddhism and the Dunhuang Cache from Multiple Sources and Perspectives 多重資料和不同視角下的跨學科禪宗研究和敦煌寶藏研究
  3. POSITIONS> H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 13 February - 20 February 2017

CFP> Chinese Buddhist Philosophy at the AAR

by Rafal Stepien
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is a call for papers for a planned new unit in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy at the American Academy of Religion (AAR), which would begin in an ‘exploratory session’ at this year’s meeting in Boston. There are, of course, manifold good reasons for initiating such a unit, including the sheer volume and depth of Buddhist philosophical literature composed in China (or, more broadly, in Chinese), as well as its relative neglect by Indo-Tibetan-minded scholars of Buddhist philosophy. That said, proposing a new unit is a significant undertaking, and so (apart from calling for paper proposals as per below), I am also soliciting feedback from AAR members as to the rationale for such a new unit. Regardless of the official status of the panel/session, at this stage, I am calling for paper proposals on any of the following topics:
1) Chinese Buddhist Philosophy as Buddhist Philosophy as Philosophy: A theoretically/methodologically oriented panel aimed at surveying the current status of the field/s and substantiating the need for more sustained exploration of Chinese Buddhist Philosophy.
2) The Literary Forms of Argument in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy: A panel on the relationships between literary form and philosophical substance, and more generally on the categorization of 'literature' and philosophy', in Chinese Buddhist discourse. 
3) Chinese Madhyamaka: The Sanlun School: A panel on the texts, authors, history, and arguments of the Sanlun (三論) school, with perhaps particular attention to its relation to Indian and/or Tibetan Madhyamaka.
4) Chinese Buddhist Metaphysics as Ethics: A panel on the relationship between metaphysical arguments and their soteriological ends in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy.
Which panel is proposed depends on the response received, with the possibility of more than one panel being proposed to related existing units such as Buddhist Philosophy. Since the final proposal including abstracts would need to be submitted by March 1st, I would appreciate if any interested potential participants could contact me as soon as possible at
All best,
Rafal K Stepien
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CONFERENCE> From the Caoxi Creek to Mogao Cave 從曹溪到敦煌: Interdisciplinary Studies of Chan Buddhism and the Dunhuang Cache from Multiple Sources and Perspectives 多重資料和不同視角下的跨學科禪宗研究和敦煌寶藏研究

by Vicky Baker
The Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA), Sheng-yen Education Foundation, the Buddhist Studies Center in the Humanities College at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou 廣州, China, and the Buddhist Studies Forum at the University of British Columbia (UBC-BSF) in Vancouver, Canada cordially invite participation in this 3-day (January 13-15, 2018) conference  at DILA, Taiwan. This is the first of a series of conferences and workshops to be held at DILA on the textual, doctrinal, ritual, historical, sociopolitical, and multi-cultural history of Chan Buddhism. 台灣法鼓文理學院、聖嚴教育基金會、中山大學人文學院佛學研究中心 (廣州) 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學佛學論壇於2018113-15日,假法鼓文理學院聯合舉辦本次研討會, 誠邀海內外學人參加!本次學術會議將開啟在法鼓文理學院舉辦的研討會和學術坊系列,涉及禪宗歷史中的文本、教義、儀軌、歷史、社會-政治、以及多元文化等諸多問題。
Close scrutiny of the cache of manuscripts, fragments, documents, and artefacts discovered during the early twentieth-century in cave 17 of the Mogao grottoes, near the city of Dunhuang in Gansu province, and at outlying sites in northwestern China, subsequently preserved in libraries across the world and now increasingly available online, transformed the study of Chan Buddhism. Not only are numerous early Chan histories, discourse records, and Chan-orientated scriptures preserved that are either unavailable or significantly different from versions in printed editions of the East Asian Buddhist canon, but texts in Tibetan, Tangut, Uyghur, and even Khotanese testify to the inter- or multi-cultural character of Chan Buddhist teachers, students, and patrons. 二十世紀早期,在中國西北甘肅省敦煌市附近的莫高窟第十七窟發現了一批手稿、殘卷、文書、以及器物,這些文物後來被收藏在世界各地的圖書館,而在當今網絡時代,逐漸對公眾開放使用。而學術界對這一批寶貴的歷史資料的考索,改變了整個禪宗研究。這裡封存的大量的早期禪宗歷史和講論的記載,以及禪宗經典,不見於各版刊印流布的東亞佛教大藏經,或者與這些經藏版本有相當的出入。它們連同在西藏、西夏、回鶻、甚至龜茲所保存的資料都印證禪宗的師僧以及功德主均有跨文化或多元文化的特點。
These texts also show how Chan teachings accord with many coterminous scriptures, commentaries, and ritual texts from India and Central Asia. Yet we must also recognize that the penultimate legend of the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng 惠能 (638-713), who taught at Baolin monastery 寶林寺 (today Nanhua si 南華寺) near Cao creek 曹溪 in Guangdong province, conveys and bolsters a narrative of transmission and authority intimately associated with southern Chinese culture. 這些文獻表明,禪宗的教法是與印度和中亞的許多相關經典、注釋,以及儀軌相符合的。但是我們也必須承認,倒數第二部傳說,是關於曾在廣東曹溪附近寶林寺(即現今的南華寺)傳法的六祖慧能(638-713)的聖傳,它傳達并強化了一種與中國南方文化密切相關的傳法與正宗的敘事。
This conference explores these two appositional, rather than oppositional, approaches to investigating the rich and multilingual textual history of Chan Buddhism. The organizing committee welcomes paper proposals related to any aspect(s) of the multidisciplinary, inter-cultural, cross-regional, and multilingual study of texts we need to consider to better understand and appreciate the multifaceted history and practice of Chan Buddhism. The organizing committee will also welcome paper proposals about these themes and Korean Sŏn, Vietnamese Thiền, and Japanese Zen. 本次會議探討面對豐富的多語種的禪宗文獻史的兩種並行不悖的研究取向。我們需要多學科、跨文化、跨地區、多語種的文獻研究來更好地理解和評價涉及多方面的禪宗歷史和實踐。會議組委會至誠歡迎這方面的論文,也歡迎與之相關的探討韓國、越南和日本禪宗的來稿。
Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to 本研討會包括但不限於以下主題:
  • Studies of Chan-related documents, manuscripts, and fragments from cave 1717號窟所藏與禪宗相關的文獻、寫本、殘卷;
  • Studies of Chan-related documents, manuscripts, and fragments from archaeological discoveries in north China and Chinese Central Asia (e.g., Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan) 在中國北方以及西部(包括新疆、甘肅、內蒙、西藏、山西、陝西以及四川)出土的與禪宗相關的文獻、寫本、殘卷;
  • Studies of new texts or editions of Chan literature that emphasize or bolster narratives of southern Chinese Chan (or East Asian developments) 突出和強化關於南宗禪(或者東亞禪宗)的歷史敘事的文本或版本;
  • Studies of Buddhist literature, rituals, performances, and sacred spaces with links to the Chan or related traditions (printed texts and manuscripts) 與禪宗或者相關宗派有關的佛教文獻(印刷本或寫本)、儀軌、演禮,和神聖空間;
  • Various patterns of interactions between different religious traditions and the narratives of Dunhuang and Chan Buddhism 不同宗教傳統和敦煌敘事或禪宗敘事之間的各種互動;
  • Presence of and interactions between different Buddhist traditions (Chan, Tiantai, Pure-land, Vinaya, Esotericism, Tibetan Buddhism, etc.) with the Chan tradition and the multicultural north and northwest 佛教各宗派(禪宗,天台宗,淨土宗,律宗,密教,以及藏傳佛教)與禪宗之間的互動,以及與多元文化中的中國北部、西北部之間的互動;
  • Interconnected exchanges with other religious traditions in China or Central Asia (e.g., Indian, Tibetan, or Central Asian Buddhisms or indigenous religions, Daoism, Confucianism, Eastern Christianity, Islam, and so forth與中國或中亞其他宗教傳統的交流(例如印度、西藏以及中亞佛教或其他形式的當地宗教,諸如道教,儒教,東正教,和伊斯蘭教等);
  • Studies of texts from Dunhuang and north and northwestern Chinese archaeological sites that reveal different forms of literature and arts in Asia敦煌以及中國北部、西北部出土的,揭示各種形式的亞洲文學與藝術的文獻;
  • Studies of related scriptures or religious literature as a source for the revaluation of  East Asian religious traditions, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist 得以重新審察東亞佛教及其他宗教傳統的宗教及相關非宗教文獻;
  • How the study of texts from archaeological sites in Chinese Central Asia compels academics, practitioners, and members of the public to reimagine or reconsider East Asian Buddhism, history, and culture 對中國西北部出土的文獻的研究如何推動了科研人員、宗教實踐者,以及公眾對東亞佛教、歷史和文化的再想象和再理解.
Interested scholars are invited to email proposals and cvs to by April 15, 2017. All conference-related costs, including local transportation, meals and accommodation during the conference period, will be covered by the conference organizers, who—depending on availability of funding—may also provide a travel subsidy to selected panelists who are in need of funding. 有興趣的學者請在2017415日前論文摘要聯同簡歷電郵至。與會的相關費用,包括會議期間的食宿費用,將由會議組織方承擔。會議組織方也將視資金的寬裕度,為有需要的與會成員提供部分旅費津貼。
Our goal is to bring 15 international scholars to the conference, who will be joined by an equal number of East Asia-based scholars working on the Chan texts. We expect that this conference will generate two conference proceedings: one in English and the other in Chinese. The English volume will collect all the papers in English, plus the English translations of several papers written in non-English languages; the Chinese volume, to be published in mainland China or Taiwan, will include the Chinese versions for all non-Chinese papers in addition to those papers contributed by our colleagues based in mainland China and Taiwan. Only scholars who are confident in finishing their draft papers by the end of 2017 and publishable papers by July 1, 2018 are encouraged to apply.  我們目標是匯集15名國際學者,與同樣數量的東亞學者一道探討禪籍。我們預期本次研討會將產生一英一中兩卷論文集。英文卷收錄用英文著述的論文,也包括數篇非英文論文的英譯;中文卷將在大陸或台灣出版,除了中文論文,還將收入所有非中文論文的漢譯。年底前有把握完成論文初稿,并在明年中(20187月初)底前完成够出版水平論文的學者,歡迎申請與會。
This conference is planned as part of our annual Intensive Winter Program of Lectures Series, Conference/Forum, and Fieldwork on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures. Interested graduate student and post-doctoral fellows are welcomed to apply for the whole program (details to be announced separately; information on the last winter program, also held at DILA, is available @  The intensive program itself is a component of an international and interdisciplinary program on Buddhism and East Asian religions (From the Ground Up) sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ( 本次研討會是我們每年的佛學與東亞文化寒期密集研修班 (包括系列講學、會議、論壇、田野調)一個組成部分 (今年寒期研修班的詳情另行宣布; 去冬的寒期班信息可見。 研修班則隸屬於加拿大社會科學與人文科學研究委員會(SSHRC)所贊助的佛學與東亞宗教國際聯合研究項目 (《拔地入雲, 造端倡始》) (
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POSITIONS> H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 13 February - 20 February 2017

by Richard Mahoney
The following jobs were posted to the H-Net Job Guide from 13 February 2017 to 20 February 2017.  These job postings are included here based on the categories selected by the list editors for H-Buddhism.  See the H-Net Job Guide website at for more information.  To contact the Job Guide, write to, or call +1-517-432-5134 between 9 am and 5 pm US Eastern time.

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Nevada, Las Vegas - UNLV - Eadington Fellowship

Courtauld Institute of Art - Early Career Lecturer in Early Modern
Art (fixed-term; 3 years from 1 September 2017)

Courtauld Institute of Art - Early Career Lecturer in Medieval Art
(fixed-term; 3 years from 1 September 2017)

University of Basel - Three Postdoctoral Nomis Fellowships

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

Bard High School Early College - Faculty in Social Studies

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - IT Architect for
digital infrastructure project, 2 years

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Project Manager for
digital infrastructure project, 2 years

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Oslo - Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship within "Indian
Cosmopolitan Alternatives"

University of the West - Chair & Faculty,  Religious Studies

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - IT Architect for
digital infrastructure project, 2 years

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Project Manager for
digital infrastructure project, 2 years

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Pittsburgh - Digital World History Postdoctoral

Yale University - Modern Slavery, Digital Humanities, and Post-Doc

Columbia University - Tenure Track faculty in Contemporary China

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of Chicago - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rank of

University of the West - Chair & Faculty,  Religious Studies

ASIANetwork - ASIANetwork Luce Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow (2
schools, 2 years each): Austin College in Chinese politics, Lewis &
Clark College in Korean studies (social science)

Museum of the City of New York - Part-time Content Developer and
Program Coordinator

Pennsylvania State University - Abington - Diversity Pre-Doctoral

University of Tasmania - Executive Director: Strategy, Planning and

Xavier University - Visiting Faculty