miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Vikramasila Foundation and Palden Sakya Centers

A Trilogy of the Open Heart : A workshop on Generosity, Enthusiasm, and Patience
Venerable Khenpo Pema Wangdak​

Tibet House | 22 West 15th Street , New York, NY 10011  \ P. 212-807-0563 | F. 212-807-0565
Wednesdays, January 16, 23 & 30; 7-9 PM  | Tickets need to be purchased 

January 16 | The Power of Generosity​​

“To take delight in extending the hand and giving, as well as induce others to generosity, are qualities well acquired indeed.” Nagarjuna. We often think of generosity in material terms, as the sharing of food, clothing, and possessions. But a giving attitude can touch every aspect of our lives, opening our hearts and turning every act into an opportunity for kindness. Khenpo Pema will guide us to a deeper understanding of generosity and show how each of us can cultivate and endlessly expand this essential quality, which is the foundation of the Mahayana path.
January 23 | The Power of Enthusiasm
Imagine a power that must be reckoned with and that is the force behind all possibilities, without which the virtues of the world and merits of the individual will simply not flourish. The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life by Shantideva points to just such a power. Here we are guided on how to go about acquiring this sustained energy, which can both inspire and provoke our inner strength and make use of the potentialities. Enthusiasm empowers everything, from our confidence in the relative nature of things to compassion, kindness, generosity, discipline, meditation, and even our success in life’s daily affairs.
“Therefore, I should aspire for virtue, And with great respect acquaint myself with it. Having undertaken the wholesome in the manner of Vajradhvaja, I should proceed to acquaint myself with self-confidence.” -----Shantideva
Ven. Khenpo Pema Wangdak will offer guided meditation and teachings that present the purpose, essential qualities, and benefits of enthusiasm as an indispensable component of successful Dharma practice.
January 30 | Exploring Patience and Its Strength
The enduring positive effects of peace, loving-kindness, and compassion, and everything else that is good in human nature—its values and ethics, its aspirations and goals—are possible only when combined with the strength of the power of patience. Without that strength, these values, profound and noble though they may be, are often seen to be fragile and frail, and thus are neglected, ignored, and misunderstood even by those who aspire to live by them.
Drawing on the teachings of Buddha, the virtues of patience, in the length and depth of its meaning, will be presented as an indispensable component of and the very key to a successful life, spiritual or mundane, and every meaningful thing we do: at home, at work, in social life, education, health, and all else that is conceivable. Our measure of accomplishment is fundamentally based on a solid foundation of patience.
The talk includes discussion, meditation on the subject of patience, and question-and-answer session.
Vikramasila Foundation and Palden Sakya Centers
Khenpo Pema Wangdak, Director
paldensakya@vikramasila.org / 212-866-4339 / vikramasila.org